TaskLog | ${task:getTaskLogInBook(String, String, String)} |
Gets the task log given a book, page and task. |
TaskLog | ${task:getTaskLog(String, String)} |
Gets the task log given a page and task. |
TaskLog$Entry | ${task:getMostRecentEntry(TaskLog, String)} |
Gets the most recent task log entry with the given comma-separated status(es) or |
StatusResult | ${task:getStatus(Task)} |
Gets the status for the given task. |
Map<Task, StatusResult> | ${task:getMultipleStatuses(Collection<? extends Task>)} | Gets the status for each of the provided tasks. |
List<Task> | ${task:getDoAfters(Task)} |
Finds all tasks that must be done after this task. |
Map<Task, List<Task>> | ${task:getMultipleDoAfters(Collection<? extends Task>)} | Finds all tasks that must be done after each of the provided tasks. |
User | ${task:getUser()} | Gets the user for the current request. |
Set<User> | ${task:getAllUsers()} |
Gets all users. |
List<Task> | ${task:prioritizeTasks(Collection<? extends Task>, boolean)} | Prioritizes tasks by schedule and priority. |
List | ${task:getAllTasks(Page, User)} | Gets all tasks for a page and all sub-pages. |
boolean | ${task:hasAssignedTask(Page, User)} | Checks if the given page or any of its child pages has at least one task assigned to the given user. |
List<Task> | ${task:getReadyTasks(Page, User)} | Gets all tasks for a page and all sub-pages that are ready to be done at the current moment in time. |
List<Task> | ${task:getBlockedTasks(Page, User)} | Gets all tasks for a page and all sub-pages that are should done at the current moment in time but are waiting for another task. |
List<Task> | ${task:getFutureTasks(Page, User)} | Gets all tasks for a page and all sub-pages that will be done at a future moment in time. |
String | ${task:formatDate(Calendar)} |
Formats a date. |
Calendar | ${task:parseDate(String)} |
Parses a date. |
Calendar | ${task:getToday()} |
Gets today's date. |